Tuesday, April 15, 2014


Hello Family and Friends po.

Things are moving along here in Tierra Amarilla po. I'm still running off my General Conference high and hope it lasts till next October. I'm trying my best as a Papito and District Leader to show the best example possible to the other Missionaries. The mission isn´t easy but like Elder Holland said, We don´t have an easy God. Looking forward this will all be worth it. I'm alright po. 
The Sector is doing just fine. Jenny Smith wasn´t able to make it to church and none of the other 20 people we Invited haha but hey, we always have next week. The Stake President came to Sacrament Meeting yesterday and announced that he is thinking of closing Tierra Amarilla and combining it with Paipote (the city next to us). He tried getting the members excited for this change that might occur so that.... well it doesn't occur. We can´t do this alone as missionaries. The assistance isn´t getting any better so obviously we have to do something different as a branch. I'm trying my hardest as a missionary here to get the members excited to leave with us to re activate some of the members who need help. I don´t feel like I'm failing just at times feel lost when I see the same things happening week after week. Closing down a branch is probably the worst thing that could happen. So I'm excited for the challenge :) lets go babyyyyy. We had some really spiritual lessons this week with some of our inactives and investigators. Just trying daily to help them realize the importance of the things we do, and how it will help them in their life po. 

My Comp has been sick this weekend so we spent a little time in the pension and I'm ready to get back to work. We walked around the other day with plans A, B, C,D, and E falling hahah I'm a professional walker hahah 3 and half hours of walking does the body good. One of the best feelings in the world is coming home after a long day knowing you gave it your all and knowing we get to do it again the next day. There is nothing like a mission po! 

There were a few more earthquakes here in Tierra Amarilla. Nothing too big, I was doing exercise in the morning when I felt the big one. It was fun po. 

Like I have said before, One of the greatest things as District Leader to have the opportunity to do is interviews for the baptismal candidates before their baptism to see if they are ready. I was able to do 2 of them this week. One of them is Jonathan, He has 22 years and is from Columbia. He has been trying to take out a date to get married to his partner for the past 3 months but the Chilean government says they can´t get married cause they are illegal... But they aren´t illegal so its been a whole mess but FINALLY they took out a date for the 9th of May to get married. He is the most humble, intelligent investigator I have had the privilege to talk to. He has read the Book Of Mormon, Duties of Priesthood Holders, Gospels Principals, and Doctrine and Covenants. He is sooo prepared and I wish I could express some of the things he told me... It was just one of the greatest experiences I have had here. So awesome that all he wants in his life is to be a worthy Priesthood holder. He gets it.... I love seeing people like that. Sorry that probably made no sense.. It was just a great experience po. 

I'm happy. Happy late Birthday Dave. So excited for Chance getting his call to the Dominican Republic and Braxton to Colombia. I have awesome friends. Po.I am officially a Soccer Nerd.. I love Soccer... I don´t understand myself at times. 

Elder Paxman Po

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