Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Livin on the Moon

What a week.... There`s too much to say... Y Tengo Flojera to write yal errything that happened, Entonces Pucha po... Cachai....

I could name this week, week of miracles. Small miracles. Big miracles. It's all the same for me. It's just another brick added to my testimony... Brick? I don`t know why I used brick as an analogy but I guess it works... jajaj. My testimony grows day after day of this work, of this gospel, of my family, of my future... Words can`t explain it. 

Alejandra Ortiz. One of my most favorite families here in the sector of Las Arenas. She has the heart the size of my mom`s heart. Thee most thoughtful, loving, unselfish person to us missionaries. She has been meeting with missionaries for exactly 1 year. She is convive (Living with her Partner) and he is still technically married (very very common here in Chile) His Wife-Ex Wife-Confusing situation hasn`t wanted to sign the divorce papers, so he was needing to pay a giant fee of like 6 Millones de Pesos (About 12,000 Dollars) which obviously he couldn`t in order for him to get divorced and then Get married to Alejandra and then Alejandra could get baptized.... She is converted. Comes to church every week, (except for the weeks she gets lazy and sleeps but that's okay I don`t blame her too much) She was a huge believing evangelica (I don`t know what that is in English). But now adores the missionaries for what they have taught her. I'm just another missionary who was blessed to get to know such a prepared person. Juan (her partner) has a little trouble with smoking, As an inactive member for many years, he has the will to come back, we have been joking around of when he will stop smoking every time we go over, I hide his cigarettes and stuff like that. This past week, Juan received a call from him Wife-Exwife asking him why they don`t just get divorced already.... Tears came into his eyes when he told us this, He said thee most spiritual prayer, Thanking God for the Miracle to Soften the Heart of his Ex Wife... Alejandra is now soooo excited to finally after 13 years of Living together, Get married with Juan, they have a 16 year old son, Fabian who is a stud, Recent Convert and a 5 year old, Patty. The Day we went over for them to tell us the great news, Juan Handed over his last pack of cigarettes to me and I handed him the rest of my sunflower seeds, Thee greatest switch I could have ever made. He committed to never smoke again and prepare so he can baptize his wife in the upcoming months. A miracle. I love that family. I will never forget that night! The sunflower seeds have helped him these past few days and now has 3 days without smoking and the urge to smoke hasn`t been too strong. I love them. and I love our father in heaven for making all that happen. Softening the heart of the Ex Wife. 

Dayanna said the opening prayer in sacrament meeting. I was a proud missionary that day. So spiritual and ready.

I have become a professional at receiving personal revelation 5 minutes before I have to give a talk in sacrament meeting because one of the people didn`t show up who was prepared to speak... I love that about the mission. I could talk about this gospel for days. I spoke about all of you guys :) I love my family and the examples I have. People like hearing I have 12 Siblings, even though not all are blood, I still tell people I have 12 Siblings haha. 

We saw another great miracle, (Sorry I'm running out of time, I won`t be able to tell you everything) Lets just say, offering service and helping build an addition to a new families house was able to soften their hearts to come to church, and the Dad asking us, When Can I Get Baptized? Such an awesome family. He has to get divorced and married as well... Go figure. But It was awesome to see that family of 3 come to church with us. And P.S. I'm a baller constructor. I have a good future in Construction ;) 

Today we hiked up the highest mountain here in Antofagasta. Overlooking the whole city. I literally live on the moon. Thee driest desert in the world. But it's so gorgeous! I love Antofagasta. 

That's all the time I got Family. I'm happy. Cambios this upcoming week, They call us on Saturday, so we will see what happens. I have 6 months in my sector so its possible que me voy.

Love yal with all my heart. Mom you are an angel.

Elder Paxman


1 comment:

Julie said...

What a GREAT week!!! I just love hearing about the work you are doing to help people turn to Christ and change their lives. Isn't it amazing and awesome that all of us, no matter who we are or what our past has consisted of, has the chance to change!! There is just so much hope in that. And you're right, you live on the moon--except for the beautiful ocean, it certainly looks destitute! I love the pictures and hearing about your experiences in far away Chile. Keep up the good work.

Julie (and Tom too)